Arwan’s Vision
To broaden the horizon of the pharmaceutical industry in the Arab World.
More than 300 pharmaceutical companies in the Arab world produce only 56% of the area’s needs, with major deficits in critical care and biotechnology products where importation imposes financial and sometimes political burdens. Arwan will be one of the cornerstones upon which the pharmaceutical industry in the Arab world will build on towards self-sufficiency.
Arwan’s Mission
- Secure quality critical care medicines for the healthcare sector in the region.
- Increase access to quality medicinal products at cost-effective prices that fall within budgets of hospitals and governmental institutions.
- Help limit the political obligations of our governments by securing strategic medicines.
- Invest in novel ideas proposed by our region’s healthcare professionals and scientists.
- Create job opportunities for high-caliber educated youth in the region, reinforcing their continued residence in their home countries.
- Encourage research and clinical studies.
- Customize strategies and operations to address our local needs.
- Reinforce “Made in Lebanon”, paving the way for this industry to reach more markets.